We help people get set free from Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, PTSD, Anxiety, Panic Attacks and drug addiction. All of our resources are provided at no cost.
It has long been acknowledged that faith and spirituality play a beneficial role in the prevention of drug and alcohol use disorders and in programs designed to treat and promote recovery from mental health and substance use disorders”. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Christian Suicide Prevention
We sponsor the Veterans free from PTSD website:
So, if people with depression change their underlying beliefs about themselves, their world and other people, it has been proven to help fight depression. This is why Christian in particular have distinct advantages in overcoming depression, because the Word of God will, and has, changed many people’s underlying beliefs, over the centuries, and we have seen many people overcome depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and fear, by having their minds renewed (Romans 12:2) and having their underlying beliefs completely change into positive thoughts about themselves, the world, and people around them, by believing the promises in the Word of God. Therefore, Christians veterans can free from PTSD, suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, fear, bipolar, and other oppression’s, which is why we wrote the book — 7 Steps to Freedom from Oppression: see Veterans Free from PTSD
We sponsor the Christian help for Depression website:
Christians can overcome and be totally free from depression, bipolar, PTSD, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, panic attacks, fear, and other oppression’s: see www.christianhelpfrodepression.org
We sponsor the Digital Missions Android Tablet:
It is a modified Android tablet. The tablet is locked down so it can only be used for approved Christian or educational purposes. People who receive it can’t use it to spend hours playing games, or watching dubious videos.But they can access a growing range of quality video and audio content, as well as documents and specialized apps, many of which are in their own language. These tablets are pre-loaded with enough content to make a powerful evangelistic impact – with things like the Jesus movie. testimonies, audio Bibles in the local language plus English, some basic literacy apps, discipleship programs, and a whole lot more! The goal is to give great resources local church planters, pastors and lay leaders can use to encourage entire households to come to know the salvation that is in Jesus Christ, and to really start following Him. The tablets do not need internet to run, but if they are brought to a place where there is wifi, it is possible to connect to our special server and download more encrypted content for storing and playing locally on the device. http://havenofrefuge.org/digital-missions-android-tablet/
Haven of Refuge Ministries is registered with the IRS as a 501c3 charitable organization, all donations are tax deductible.
IRS TIN # : 936036663